National Federation of Health Professional Bodies called  “Federazione Nazionale Ordini professionali Tecnici sanitari di radiologia medica e delle professioni sanitarie tecniche, della riabilitazione e della prevenzione” – “to promote equality and equal opportunities between men and women, to remove all forms of discrimination, both direct and indirect, relating to gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, disability, religion or language, access to employment, treatment and working conditions, professional training, as well as a working environment based on organizational well-being”.
The collaboration generated the SeGeA (Sex and Gender based Approach) Project active since 2022, which involved: 1. the application of a questionnaire survey to probe how important professionals considered the gender factor to be in their profession; 2. two asynchronous online trainings consisting of microlearning opportunities (short seminars) and quizzes, which allow for in-depth study of the fundamentals of the sex and gender based approach in medicine and all health and care professions. The Project was presented at the 10th Congress of the International Society of Gender Medicine IGM, held in Padua, Italy in September 2022.
On Friday, July 14, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a conference titled “Careful Approach to Differences Given by Sex and Gender in the Health Professions” will be held at the prestigious Sala Zuccari of Palazzo Giustiniani, headquarters of the Senate of the Italian Republic, located in Rome at Via della Dogana Vecchia, 29.
The event, organized by the FNO TSRM and PSTRP (National Federation of the Orders of Health Technicians of Medical Radiology, Technical Health Professions, Rehabilitation and Prevention), aims to present the SeGeA project, an initiative of the FNO TSRM and PSTRP with EngHea, of great relevance in the field of promoting gender medicine in the National Health Service.
University of Ferrara – ” collaboration to promote initiatives aimed at deepening and disseminating knowledge on health and gender medicine, for the University Centre for Studies on Gender Medicine, of the Department of Medical Sciences of the University of Ferrara”.